Welcome back to Hay Day and welcome to forum.
You have an excellent question, which I think also applies to player who levels up way too quickly and struggle with coin.
If I were you in such a situation, with what I know about the game, my plan would be as follow:
Phase 1: Get the coinsIn this phase, you want to focus to get all the coins you need. This should be the first priority, higher than expanding land or upgrading barn/silo. You can do the following to build up the coins:
- sell all the stuff you earn or make from the game that you have no use immedaitely:
- BEM/ SEM/ LEM/ TEM (see phase 3)
- plant and sell crop all the time, best profit beign decided according to how often you check the game.
- plant and sell fruit according to how often you can check in the game to maximise the profit. Compare the price when selling 13 fruits
(full tree/bush life cycle) to have adequate choice.
- for each machine you have, queue the most profitable one, again according to how often you can check the game, so you can sell it in RSS. This could be sugar, cream, chesse, bread, popcorn, animal feed....
- prepare for Visitor event x2 coins: they would request one of top 2 from your silo/barn, so build the stock slowly till the event comes around.
- DO NOT fill boat (unless during Boat Coins x2 event) or Truck order (too much hassle and you shouldn't want those XP)
- if you use farm pass: be conscious whether you want to collect the XP. They bump you to next level easily which could unlock more machine thus aggraving your situation. You could leave them uncollected, which also means not collecting permit/coins and whatever comes in the same bundle. The choice is yours.
Phase 2: Get the machine, starting from the most helpfulHaving all machine is a must if you want to be independent when filling boat orders/ truck order during special event.
However, not all machine are equal. Some product could require ingredients which are goods from other machine that you might not want to spare. So in the end, you won't be using it. In this case,the money can be better save for another machine that you unlock later. You cited 3 machines but you woudl unlock more later
. Be sure to be prepared when the time comes.
Phase 3: In this phase, you should be comfortable to lower your priority to get coins. This enable you to focus more on how to improve farming experience: upgradign barn/silo, developping town, tend to other aspect of the games like various events that could interfere with coins gathering.
Notes: Phases can be in parallel, they are not exclusive.
Hypothesis: no baby farm (for own supply) involved. If you have other farm, it's like you have other basic machien to provide goods you could buy low, sell high for a profit.
Good luck!